Height: 37 inches
Weight: 30.5 lbs
Sweet Pea is two! Okay, at the time I'm writing this he is actually almost two and a half but we've had a busy second half of the year: moving to a new house and having a new baby brother who will make his debut on the blog soon! He has changed sooo much just from August until now. His vocabulary and conversation skills have quadrupled and he is talking up a storm and coming up with his own phrases and ideas. It's a lot of fun talking with him and seeing what he thinks about the items in his world. He calls Superman Super Goo; the thorny balls that fall from the trees in our yard are called Owies (I bought a starburst type wall décor thingy and that is an Owie too.) Bird poop is Rooster Eggs (I have no idea how...). My dad is Babba. The ipad is cuckoo. When he doesn't want me to do something, like sing along with a song, he puts his hand on my arm or shoulder and says sadly, "No Mama, no." When he wants more milk, he screams at the top of his lungs "MILKY!!!!"
He is also showing an interest in the potty and peed on the potty once at Rachael's! To be honest, we haven't really done anything to encourage him at home because we're still exhausted by our newest addition but we should probably get on this potty training thing while he is showing he wants to do it. Speaking of the little Pumpkin, Sweet Pea is the best big brother. Most of the time he is very loving and smiles really big when we talk about his baby. He helps with diapers, feeding and getting pacies (though it sometimes ends up in his mouth first.)
Sweet Pea, you are an interesting, fun, loving, fun-loving and funny little boy. You have the best comedic timing, love being tickled and crack yourself up with jokes no one else can understand. When you get excited you prance around with happy feet. And when you're about to do something you know you're not supposed to, like taking my soda, the happy feet and a big smile come out as you slowly move toward your goal and see whether someone will stop you. You like helping out with grown-up chores like sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming (I should hire you out), taking care of the baby, picking up sticking and leaves, throwing items in the garbage and putting your dishes in the sink. Putting away your toys is not a fun activity sadly. You still constantly ask me where Dada is when he just barely left the room; you love going outside, the playground, running errands and superheroes. Mickey is still your favorite show but you'll watch a lot of other cartoons now for which we are all grateful. You like cookies, donuts, candy and ice cream but ask for seconds on veggies and fruit. We love you so much, Sweet Pea, and are enjoying the wild ride of watching you grow!
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