Pumpkin loves reading books about dragons or fighting, he
loves watching Godzilla and King Kong movies with his godfather and loves
wearing dinosaur or Hulk t-shirts. He is the first of the boys to care about
what he wears and protests when we try to take something off that is a
favorite, even if it is long sleeved dinosaur pajamas in 100 degree heat. He
plays with cars, superheroes, bubbles and dinosaurs. He loves “fighting” with
you, playing hide-and-seek, chasing and being chased. He’s in the stage where
he’s my shadow at times. Protesting that he wants me to change his diaper (thanks), me to fill his water (thanks), watch tv with him, and go wherever I
am going. Speaking of water, he drinks more than a grown man after being
stranded on a desert island. It is unceasing. He’s very coordinated with his
motor skills and seems to be more mechanically inclined. He likes trying to
figure out how things work and to do it by himself. And he’s pretty patient
(yes, until he isn’t). He doesn’t get upset when we’re trying to figure out
what he is saying or when he’s trying to accomplish a task that is difficult.
He just keeps trying.
July Update – He’s gotten sweeter and more temper tantrum-y
at the same time in the last few months. He will gives hugs and kisses now but
will also resort to foot stomping and screaming when told no. At least there is
some ying to the yang. He’s very aware of his relationships now and will tell
you that he has no friends and no one will play with him when older brother
refuses. He tells you he misses someone ‘so much’ and that he loves you. He
likes giving kisses and handshakes at the sign of peace to people he likes. And
he’s starting to ask some good questions. At church recently he asked what the
cross was that we were standing next to and I told him it was Jesus’ cross.
Then he asked where Jesus was and I told him Jesus was all around us and in our
hearts. Then he asked where the real Jesus was. Had to give him that and
answered Heaven.
He’s starting to love playing games on the iPad and Xbox –
anything to do with Zombies, Iron Man, Spider Man or Hulk Buster. He loves his
blankies – he’s got about 4 of them that he takes everywhere and his bottle
still. Can’t seem to get him off those yet. He’s excited for his birthday and
Halloween and will do anything for candy.