Flagstaff was a great trip. The weather was wonderful and Sweet Pea had a fabulous time with his Arizona grandparents. He showed them and us that he had learned how to wave and did it nonstop for about a week (right hand only). He showed them he can crawl on his hands and knees and pull himself up to standing on just about anything. He showed them how much he loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; that his mom is a liar and he actually LOVES taking a bath (who knew?!); and that he loves any and all food he can feed himself. And despite being given a virtual toy store, his favorite toys were a fly swatter and a 5 year old, worn out pinwheel. Kids. His parents learned that Grandma’s dog likes to hump little babies. Despite that, Sweet Pea was in an awesome mood the whole time and the new surroundings didn’t seem to faze him at all. The trip back was hard on all of us but we finally, gratefully, made it home the following Sunday.